Today's article is for those who do yoga daily. If you do not do yoga, you must read our article. When you come to know about the benefits of yoga, you will definitely do yoga.

Before knowing about the benefits of yoga, let us know what is yoga, what does it mean?

The origin of the word yoga is 'yuj' in Sanskrit which means 'to join'. By doing yoga, the body, brain and soul come together.

If you want to start doing yoga, today we are going to tell you 6 easy yoga asanas through which you can do yoga very easily.

1.Ardha Chandrasana

While performing this yoga asana, the position of the body becomes similar to that of the semi lunar, hence it is called the semi lunar posture. This posture should be done standing up.

Benefits - This asana exercises all the parts of the body. This asana is beneficial for the body's knees, kidneys, small intestine, liver, chest and neck.

2. Gomukhasana

To do this yoga asana, one has to make a thin shape like a cow's mouth and a wide shape at the other end. This is why this asana is called Gomukh posture.

Benifits - This asana is very beneficial for people who have back pain problem. By doing this asana, the shoulders are strengthened and the spine stabilized. Apart from these, there is also relief from problems like diabetes, backache, constipation etc.


To do this yoga asana, you will have to sit with a pedestal and concentrate. If you are beginning to do yoga then it will be best for you because it is very easy.

Benifits - Doing this asana daily will not only give you peace of mind, but will also increase concentration. Chest and feet are strong. With this posture the body remains energetic. Eating food while sitting in the posture of Sukhasana relieves obesity, constipation and stomach related diseases.


While doing this yoga asana, the shape of the body becomes like a protruding bhujang (snake) or asana is done by lying on the stomach.

Benifits - Performing Bhujang posture brings agility in the body. This asana is also very beneficial for the back and spine.

You should not do this asana if you have more pain in your stomach or any other part of the body while doing Bhujang Asana.


One has to sit on his knees and hands while making a cat-like shape in the marjari mudra. And the body has to be made like a table.

Benifits - By doing marjari asana, blood circulation increases in the body. And the body remains energetic. Improves digestion process. It increases the capacity of the shoulder and wrist.

6. Dandasana

Dandasana yoga is done by sitting. The special thing about this posture is that its benefits are soon visible.

Benifits - By doing this yoga asana daily your muscles of the arms and legs are strengthened. If you want to correct your sitting posture, then this asana is perfect for you.

Yoga also has some mental benefits-

  • Doing yoga increases your memory and concentration
  • Doing yoga maintains mental comfort and emotional control.
  • The person doing yoga gets less angry
  • Yoga makes you aware of your qualities
  • Yoga helps reduce anxiety
  • People who do yoga are able to make life related, right and better decisions.

The ancient sage Muni of our country used to do yoga every day. He has told the importance of yoga in a very good way. If you also want to do yoga, then you can start with these 6 yogas mentioned by us. You will be very easy. 

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