Today's article is based on the immune system.  Today we will tell you what the immune system is, how to increase immunity and give more information about immunity.

# What  Is Immunity 

    Immunity gives our body the ability to fight against bacteria, viruses, fungal parasites and any other harmful substances.
   Means the body's ability to fight immunity toxin. 

  There are many types of bacteria and viruses in our environment which we inadvertently absorb the harmful elements by eating, drinking and even breathing.

   Due to which our body's resistance to fighting diseases is reduced to a great extent.  And thus our immunity decreases.

#Symptoms Of Immunity Weakening

   There are many factors that reduce the resistance of our body, so today we will know the factors that reduce the resistance of our body.

1. If you have frequent allergies

    Repeated allergic reactions are also a sign of weak immune system.  If you frequently cough, cold, fever, skin rashes, mouth sores, etc. your body's resistance can be weak.

2. Feeling of weakness

     If you get tired of doing small things.  After doing heavy work, you do not feel like doing anything else.  So you should try to increase your immunity.

3. If you do not get fever

    If you do not get fever at the time when you should have fever, it means your immunity is weak.  In fever, the body fights diseases and most of the people eat fever medicine.  Due to which the fever does not work for us in a positive way.  If you do not have fever even after infection, then it is a symptom of weak immunity.

4. Vitamin D deficiency

     It has often been observed that people with weak immunity are deficient in vitamin D.  In addition, stress, dark circles, wounds do not heal, etc. are also symptoms of weak immunity.

   You can increase your immunity by completing vitamin D deficiency.

# Some Easy Tips To Increase Immunity

    You have been told by us to increase immunity.  You can follow all these tips.

1. Follow Healthy Lifestyle

     To strengthen the immune system, you must adopt healthy lifestyle.  For this, you have to quit many of your bad habits, such as smoking.  And many good habits have to be adopted, like- yoga. 

2. Avoid smoking and intoxication

     If you have a habit of smoking, it weakens your immune system, because smoking has a bad effect on your lungs and respiratory system, due to which the immune system is also weakened.

     For a strong immune system, you should quit smoking today.

3. Eat plenty of green vegetables and fruits

     To get a strong immune system, you are advised to eat green vegetables and fruits.  Consume most seasonal fruits.  Fruits and vegetables contain nutrients necessary to boost immunity, which increases your immunity.

*  Apart from this, some people are non vegetarian, but non-vegetarians should take care of some things before consuming meat.

    Actually, whenever you buy meat from the market, many types of viruses can be present there.  So clean the meat first and consume it only after cooking it properly so that your immune system is not damaged.

4. Sleep well

    To keep the immune system strong, it is very important that you get 7-8 hours of deep sleep.  And this thing is known in research.  To get sound sleep, you should take diet that can give you fast sleep and strong quality of sleep.

5. Don't take too much stress

     It has been found in most people that people who take more stress, their immunity is quite weak.  If you want to develop immunity then you should stop taking stress and try and finish all your work on time.

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